Nevernight, book one of the Nevernight Chronicles, follows the main character Mia and her path of vengeance. At a young age, Mia witnessed the death of her father Darius Corvere and the destruction of her family by the government he attempted to overthrow. At her family's’ demise, Mia also obtains powers over the shadows that surround her. This leads her to doorstep of a retired assassin that takes in her in and trains her like his own. Though his training can only go so far, so he sends Mia to the school that he was trained by. Though this school is filled by cut throats, and only a select few can make it through the program. Will Mia be able to rise up through her classes and seek out her vengeance, or will she be left to the waste?
4.24 stars on Goodreads, 4.6 on Amazon